Dirty air in Linfen, Shanxi, often called the world’s most polluted city, by sheilaz413
Wataalamu baada ya kuchunguza wamesema, Kuchafuko kwa hali ya hewa inaweza kupunguza au kufupisha maisha ya binadamu, Katika miji yenye hali ya hewa chafu ni Mumbai, Delhi.
entists say they can determine how much polluted air shortens life expectancy.
Researchers in the United States have weighed up dirty air with other factors such as health services and exercise.

Dzerzinsk, Russia
Dzerzinsk has a population of 300,000, and they are all at risk from Cold War-type chemical weapons manufacture, storage and bad disposal that amount to a ton of chemical wastes for each Dzerzinsk citizen. Toxic chemicals in ground water have contributed to a death rate 2.6 times the birth rate. It is clearly not a good place to love or die.
Mumbai, Delhi among world’s 25 dirtiest cities 2008
1. Baku, Azerbaijan (27.6)
2. Dhaka, Bangladesh (29.6)
3. Antanananvo, Madagascar (30.1)
4. Port au Price, Haiti (34)
5. Mexico City, Mexico (37.7)
6. Adid Ababa, Ethiopia (37.9)
7. Mumbai, India (38.2)
8. Baghdad, Iraq (39)
9. Almanty, Kazakhstan (39.1)
10. Brazzaville, Congo (39.1)
11. Ndjamena, Chad (39.7)
12. Dares Salaam, Tanzania (40.4)
13. Bangui, Central African Republic (42.1)
14. Moscow, Russia (43.4)
15. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (43.4)
16. Basmako, Mali (43.7)
17. Point Noire, Congo (43.8)
18. Lome, Togo (44.1)
19. Conakry, Guinea Republic (44.2)
20. Novakschott, Mauritania (44.7)
21. Niamey, Niger (45)
22. Luanda, Angola (45.2)
23. Maputo, Mozambique (46.3)
24. New Dehli, India (46.6)
25. Pat Harcourt, Nigeria (46.8)

La Oroya, Peru
A poly-metallic smelter has exposed La Oroya citizens to toxic emissions for decades. This has resulted in high lead levels in the blood of the children of the city of 35,000. Nearly 100% of the children are over-exposed. The city also suffers from sulfur dioxide emissions, and this has killed the surrounding vegetation.
The 10 worst-polluted places in the world are (in alphabetical order):
Chernobyl (Ukraine) Dzerzinsk (Russia) Haina (Dominican Republic) Kabwe (Zambia) La Oroya (Peru) Linfen (China) Mailuu-Suu (Kyrgyzstan) Norilsk (Russia) Ranipet (India) Rudnaya Pristan (Russia)
Although it has been 20 years since the nuclear melt down, Chernobyl (as seen in the picture here), is one of the top-ten. Still, most of the most-polluted places are little-known, even in their own countries. Most of the people affected are exceedingly poor.
Russia leads the list of eight nations, having itself three of the 10 worst polluted sites. Other sites were chosen because they served as examples for problems found all around the globe. Haina, Dominican Republic has severe lead contamination as the result of battery recycling - a problem common throughout poorer countries. Linfen, China exemplifies many Chinese cities choking on their industrial air pollution. India is represented by a nasty example of serious groundwater pollution by heavy metals.
Ni haraka, inabidi tufanye haraka ili kuokoa maisha yetu. Kwa kweli hali inazidi kuwa mbaya.
Ni kweli inabidi tufanya haraka ili watu wasiangamie. Hali hii mbona inatisha sana.
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